The Pros & Cons of Circumcision

The Pros & Cons of Circumcision

There are several decisions you need to make for your baby as their caretaker. So of course it’s natural to wonder whether or not you’re making the right choice by them. Whether or not to get your baby circumcised is one of the most controversial decisions you’ll have to make. 

What Is Circumcision?

Circumcision is a surgical procedure, usually done by a doctor or trained healthcare provider. During the procedure, the foreskin covering the penis is removed. 

When And How Is It Usually Done?

If the birth is uneventful and the baby is healthy, depending on another parental decision, the baby may first receive a vitamin K shot. After that, the parents fill a consent form for the circumcision if they want to get it done. 24-48 hours after the birth, the baby is scheduled for the procedure. It is usually carried out by a pediatrician or an Ob/GYN, but some people prefer to get it done by religiously appointed individuals.  

It’s a 15-30 minute procedure. Some doctors administer a penile nerve block to reduce pain during surgery, but you can always ask your health provider what kind of anesthesia they use (highly encouraged). After numbing the area, it is cleaned. After this, the foreskin is clamped and cut away.

Babies can be noticeably fussy after the procedure due to pain, but it usually tends to heal within 7-10 days.

Why Do People Get Their Baby Circumcised

While it’s not medically necessary for every baby, people usually choose circumcision for personal reasons. Some of these include:

  • Religious preferences; Islam and Judaism often encourage babies to undergo circumcision

  • Some people prefer to do it regardless of religion as a family tradition

  • Aesthetic preference

  • Potential decreased risk for certain diseases such as sexually transmitted infections and cancer

  • Prevents foreskin retraction and infection (balanitis) problems

Why Do People Oppose Circumcision?

There have been many doctors and researchers that have begun working to end routine, non-therapeutic circumcision. The foreskin on the penis is a normal, healthy tissue that plays an important role in sexuality, and this routine procedure was reported as a way to discourage masturbation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition to the foreskin being a normal part of the body that doesn’t have a medical reason to be removed, it takes away the baby’s right to body autonomy since they are too young to know the merits or demerits of the procedure. The belief is that every person has the right to make decisions about their body and many people feel that choosing to eliminate a healthy part of the baby’s body without their consent violates that right. The baby could safely get the procedure done later in life if this was something they chose for themselves. 

Reasons Why People Choose Not to Circumcise Their Baby

Some parents prefer to not get their babies circumcised because:

  • The foreskin is an erogenous zone

  • Foreskin keeps the head of the penis protected

  • The procedure is painful

  • Potential for a higher chance of meatitis 

Whether or not you choose to get your baby circumcised, we strongly advise that you do your own research and not base the decision solely on aesthetic reasons. Speak to your healthcare provider, learn more about the pros and cons of circumcision, and make the choice that you feel is right for you and for your baby - that’s what being a parent is all about!



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